96th Test Wing Virtual Update - 7 Jan 2021

4 years ago

Credit: Jennifer Vollmer | Date Taken: 01/07/2021
Team, in our first update of the New Year, the commander looks forward to a successful 2021 with renewed hope for what we'll accomplish as a team. As we move into the year at the height of the pandemic, Cain asks that we continue the health protection measures we know work. He adds we will persist in our practice of HPM to carry out the national security mission and protect our people. Cain also talks about the #COVID19 vaccinations of our medics, first responders and how we'll continue with the CDC and DOD phasing plans as we inoculate priority personnel. He asks that we remain focused through this challenging time. We'll do that together and we'll have a great 2021! Stay safe, stay connected.

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