4 years ago

Kevin returns for another installment of the MOST EPIC TRUE SASQUATCH STORY EVER, The GLAGG SAGA! Kevin may have left us, but his story will live on in the hearts and minds of friends and fans forever, and the original golden classic is now REDONE, with greatly improved audio and many additional pictures and artwork unavailable at the time of it's original release. Experience again, the true-life adventure of a teenage boy who befriended and helped save an orphan Sasquatch named GLAGG! GLAGG artwork by Sybilla Irwin and RobRoyMenzies, music by Swamp Ritual, available for download on CD Baby..... You can help with Kevins funeral expenses in several ways, first by donating directly to the family: Log in to your PayPal account and put in his brothers email which is: To help this cause, AND get yourself some amazing commemorative GLAGG SWAG, go to TEESPRING.COM/STORES/WORLD-BIGFOOT-CENTRAL. All Glagg item proceeds are currently being donated to Kevin's funeral fund as well. To contact DUKE: WORLDBIGFOOTCENTRAL@YAHOO.COM To help fund this show (WHICH IS 100% VIEWER FUNDED, THIS CHANNEL IS NOT MONETIZED) send greatly appreciated and much needed help to PAYPAL.ME/WORLDBIGFOOTCENTRAL. THANK YOU to all those whose help and support keep this show going. GOD BLESS YOU!

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