Baby Bench Vice Build Pt. 2 - Making the Moving Jaw

4 years ago

In this video I continue my Baby Bench Vice and start making the Moving jaw. This vice is loosely based upon the Wilton Vice design. I'm hoping to achieve a good quality 50mm/2" Bench Vice to help support my workshop projects but in particular my model Engineering build projects such as model steam locomotives and model I C engines.
This part involves turning, shaping and milling using my center lathe, Deckel FP1 milling machine and Elliott Shaping machine.

Craig's Workshop:

#homeshopmachinist #metalworking #machineshop

Home machine shop equipment :
Lathe, Deckel Fp1 milling machine, horizontal milling machine, Elliot shaping machine, DIY converted cnc milling machine, Surface grinder, Clarkson tool and cutter grinder, drilling machine, oxy propane torch, arc welder.

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