Night of the Crash-test Dummies Pt.2 - by Gary Larsen - Read Aloud - Bedtime Story

4 years ago

This is part 2 of my Far Side reading. I hope you enjoy it!

Gary Larson created these cartoons for years of my childhood and they were always a favorite of mine as I'd run out in the morning to get the paper and then flip through to the Soundlife section of The News Tribune to find the funnies. Reading through this collection I realized that many of these cartoons just won't make sense to younger children because of the references to scientific terms and famous characters and pop culture, but I've attempted here to choose just a few of my favorite cartoons from this collection that hopefully young children can enjoy and laugh at. The Far Side is a wonderful tool for helping children expand their vocabulary. Single cell comics are also a great way of building interest for reading in children who don't want to spend the time following a whole story line through a whole book. Some kids just aren't wired to enjoy that. That's okay. They should still learn that reading is a desirable skill since it can open the pages of comic collections like these. So if you have a child you can't get interested in reading, I'd suggest trying some Far Side or other short single page story comics. Thanks for watching!

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