Technology: Battlefield Assisted Trauma Distribution Kit (BATDOK) Software

4 years ago

Credit: Oswaldo Delacruz | Date Taken: 02/11/2021
Invented by researchers in the Air Force Research Laboratory, Airman Systems Directorate, BATDOK software is a point-of-injury software tool. It enables medics to wirelessly monitor multiple patients’ vitals simultaneously at the point-of-injury, to capture a complete history of patient medical treatment from point-of-injury through medical evacuation, and follow-on transfer to the next level of care. Refined with many iterations of medic use feedback, BATDOK leverages operator-centric, intuitive, easy-to-use mobile interfaces to facilitate maximum awareness and documentation of in-field patient care. BATDOKTM hosts a variety of multimodal covert/overt notifications, alerting the medic when patients cross predefined, user-set health thresholds. BATDOK can reference offline, current standard medical care procedures/guidelines through a drop and drag file structure accessed with single-click actions. Moreover, BATDOK was designed as an open architecture system to easily incorporate existing/emerging FDA wireless sensors, allowing the medic to select desired sensors for their unique mission. BATDOK is sensor and wireless protocol agnostic, allowing it to scale as new sensors and communications protocols come online.

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