Trials and Temptation - James 1

4 years ago

What is a temptation? How do you overcome them? Trials and temptation are a part of your life, and believe me, being a Christian does not mean you will not go through them. He is not going to stop trying. Staying in the Word of God does teach us how to overcome trials and temptations. Paul said to count it all joy when we go through various trials because it produces perseverance (stronger faith) One thing we have to do is stay in the Word of God.

Trials and Temptation are everywhere and when we fall into the traps it is because we are tempted and dragged away by our own evil desires, and James 1 reminds us "after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

This does not mean we cannot be delivered because we can through confession, as well as asking God to strengthen us daily in our weaknesses. He knows us inside and out and trying to hide from Him never works.

James 1 is filled with a lot of wisdom, especially to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. These rules will save us a lot of headaches if we followed them. In his discernment, James understood the necessity of all three because he knew without all three it would lead to human anger; which never seems to be good.

And if you remember in Ephesians 4:26 is we can get angry but sin not because sin is lurking at the door waiting to pounce on you, especially in your anger.


Marena Chic
Living Your Best Life Through Christ

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#James​ 1
#Quick​ to Listen
#Slow​ to Speak
#Slow​ to Anger
#Trials​ and Temptation
#How​ to overcome temptation
#What​ is a temptation
#Apostle​ Paul

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