Interview: Dan Schreiber Master Thinker, Original Magician, World Teacher, My Muse

4 years ago

Creative Director, Starseed Gardens since 2005. Gardener, visionary, father, inspirational storyteller, speaker and lecturer. His most recent direction is exploring systems of perpetual renewal and designing human interfaces to enable harmonic human communication, relationship and custodianship of the natural world. Dan is a professional photographer, videographer and multimedia producer. He is a self-taught herbal healer, ecologist and landscape gardener with a forte for creative direction and vision. His work with organic plant growth enhancers is on the cutting edge of increasing plant and soil biota health to support the flowering of human awareness via vibrational nutrition. He was there for the very storm-tossed maiden voyage of The Fae Lecture and he is the guest on the maiden voyage of Cara St.Louis Patron Series Interviews. Tune in as he talks about Fae Mountain and the Place Where Time Begins...he says it's about to reset. NOTE: about a month after this interview, which was largely to do with the purpose of blood, Dan was diagnosed with leukemia. Not an accident to my way of thinking. A year later, after a long, brutal struggle, he passed. A loss for all.

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