Teachers can talk about their faith - Jennifer, Janel and Camilo

3 years ago

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It's not easy being a teacher—which explains why a lot of them are quitting! A recent article from The Atlantic examines some of the challenges that teachers face: from long hours of overtime to less than average pay, to having to buy missing supplies with their own money, to overwhelming stress verging on nervous breakdowns. Hard to imagine why not enough young people are choosing or sticking with a teaching career anymore! And teachers who are Christians have one more thing to worry about: potential lawsuits they might face by showing any indication of their personal faith at school.

Fortunately, there are a variety of perfectly legal ways that Christians, whether teacher or student, can live out their faith at school. Sadly, many Christians are simply not aware of these rights and have been silenced by fear. To help solve this problem, Jennifer Kvalvik created the Apples for Teachers ministry at the Rock Church in Point Loma. Kevin talks to Jennifer, Janel, and Camilo about their experiences as Christians who have worked in San Diego public schools for many years. Jennifer explains what her ministry does, as well as sharing some excellent resources for Christian teachers (such as Christian Teachers in Public Schools by Julia and Gloria Stronks).

This ministry meets once a month as a support group for Christian teachers to mutually encourage one another. Learn more and get involved by visiting SDRock.com/ministries/ApplesForTeachers! And even if you are not a teacher, you can assist them in their current service project by donating small school supplies that will go to Syrian refugees.

This episode first aired on August 13th, 2016.
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