Minecraft Let's Play: Tricky Tutorials with Trampolineboy: Episode 6 - I FINALLY STARTED

4 years ago

What's a-bouncin' gamers!!! Today I finally started the mine and I came across a lot of problems, mainly cave problems. We learned that axes do more damage than swords, and we must always carry food with us (such a hypocrite I am).

Discord server: https://discord.gg/mGg8Spg​

Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/therealtrampolineboy​

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Trampolineboy_​

Intro Animation: Trampolineboy (hey that's me)

Intro Song: Slap Type Beat - Prodbytyler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZDOn...​

Villager Resource Pack (Unmodified): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG_Y5...​

Most Block Textures: https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/reso...​

Noteblock Displays: https://www.creatorlabs.net/downloads...​

Shaders: https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/​

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