0036 Volume II Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Analysis

3 years ago

Molly Ball in her TIME article exposed a lot about the Cabal that colluded to remove Trump from the Presidency and to rob us of our vote and voice. Having been robbed of our vote, they are now in a headlong push to rob us our of voice. This is not new, the suppression of free speech and Marxist CONTROL over the flow of information has been steadily growing more powerful decade by decade, year by year, month by month until finally today it is almost complete. We cannot battle this abuse of power without naming it and naming its source. This video dares to tell the truth about the source, motive and mechanisms of this Marxist CONTROL of the flow of information. Only LIES are allowed in the public domain today, and forces are trying to literally stamp us out; they are conducting an electronic exiling of the rightful president and threatening multi-layers of harm to his supporters. We have to be more resistant and more vocal than ever.

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