Parliament Hill Protest In Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - August 29th 2020

3 years ago

On a very rainy and stormy Saturday August 29th 2020, Over 25 thousand Canadians embarked on Parliament Hill in Ottawa Ontario Canada to protest and voice their displeasure on many issues that are affecting our nation.

People were out there protesting against the most corrupt Prime Minister in Canadian history, the treasonous traitor Justin Trudeau.
People were protesting against the child trafficking and pedophilia that seems to be ignored for the most part by our government officials and authorities.

They were protesting against the draconian measures being thrust upon us due to the very exaggerated China virus.
Kids schools becoming a very toxic environment because of aggressive mandates, Orwellian regulations, and overall indoctrinating tactics.
The ridiculous and absurd mandatory mask bylaws.
The criminally unjust mandatory vaccines that politicians and health officials
are speaking of.

People were protesting against the Fake News mainstream media that has relentlessly shoved propaganda down people's throats for years, thus contributing in a very big manner to the downhill slope civilization is headed. They are immensely complicit in all of it.

People were out there protesting against many issues, but perhaps the grandest of them all is "Globalism". Canada is on the fast track to becoming nothing more than a post nation state, Justin Trudeau himself speaks proudly of it.
Globalism is an awful and terrifying thought, and it has never been more real than right now. People are aware that this is happening, but not enough people. A good amount of the people in attendance were standing against it, hopefully that message gets across to an astronomical amount of Canadian citizens.

This protest ran in unison with many protests happening all over the world. Places like Germany and The UK have had a monumental amount of people out in the streets and standing in solidarity against the same type of matters.

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