“Old Fart Rants is dung now” by UTubekookdetector (Illegal Immigration)

4 years ago

I should also mention, Dave omitted any rants on the Constitution in his video—I wonder why? Dave never mentions Article I Section I, he never mentions Article I Section VIII. Why not? You know why, he’s a moron. The Executive Branch has very little power aside from the veto pen & this is Congress’ domain.

Old Fart Rants thinks if you show up at the border w/ illegitimate children from 3 different guys means “free stuff.” Well, he’s certainly not paying for it, but maybe he feels guilty because of all the taxpayer largesse he’s been receiving. Enjoy this slapdown folks & pass it on!

The background material

Immigration data


https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/2016%20Yearbook%20of%20Immigration%20Statistics.pdf (Tables 1, 13, 20, 33, 36, 39)


US population data




How many Border Patrol agents do we have?




For FY 2017, we do not yet have the totals for aliens that “returned” or were “removed”

Tables 33, 36, 39, 20, 1, 13

Fiscal years overlap—for example FY2009 began on 10/1/08 & George W. Bush was POTUS. On 1/20/09, Oboingo became POTUS & the FY ended 9/30/09. I will be calculating this in full FY’s. E.G. George W. Bush’s FULL FY’s were (Inaugurated 1/20/01) 2002-08. FY 2002 began 10/1/01 & ended 9/30/02. FY 2008 ended on 9/30/08.

It’s impossible to determine from this literature whether naturalizations or deportations happened under which POTUS in FY’s that overlap. So, I AM ONLY looking at FULL FY’s.

Table 33—Aliens Apprehended (see notes)

Obama (FY 2010-2016) = 3,803,031 (543,290/year)

Bush (FY 2002-08) = 7,874,829 (1,124,975/year)

Clinton (FY 1994-00) = 10,883,982 (1,554,854/year)

Reagan (FY 1982-88) = 8,783,366 (1,254,766/year)

IMO, most of the reason we have such a small number of apprehensions under Oboingo (despite the methodology being changed in favor of more apprehensions) is because the economy remained flaccid during his entire presidency.

We have more than 23,000 border patrol agents, which is more than quadruple the number in 1990, so I don’t think that’s “solved” the problem. I don’t think adding thousands more will do much good.

Table 36—Aliens Determined Inadmissible (data available only for FY 2005-2016)

FY 2005-09 = 899,938 (224,984/year)

FY 2010-16 = 1,385,349 (197,907/year)

Table 39—Aliens Returned or Removed (see note on the diff. between a “removal” & a “return”)

Removals are the compulsory and confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States based on an order of removal. An alien who is removed has administrative or criminal consequences placed on subsequent reentry owing to the fact of the removal.

Returns are the confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal.

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