Peaceful Trump Rally people Pres Trump not aware of staged ANTIFA, BLM RIOT

3 years ago

Globalnews,ca continuous filming outside the Capital as we watched peaceful families in front of Capital never breaking in.  Those were not real Trump Rally attending supporters, but the staged, preplanned  by Antifa, BLM thugs with flyer we will attached known days before by Congress, DC Police DOD, Ntl Guard commanders as told on Newsmax Red Gohman that police knew ahead of time these extremists were going to come do violence "dressed as Trump supporters."  And as Military News, and other reports Congress turned down extra DOD soldiers to protect Capital. We need witnesses.  Why did DC ;police officer commit suicide after this?  Where is the police investigation? 

Wall Street Journal, New York Post and Washington Post, and other media proved that preplanned Violent non Trump supporters broke through police barrier 20 minutes into Pres. Trump's speech on other side.  Tons of posts online by these extremist groups prove they planned to come do violence, not be part of the Rally of peaceful, as they have been for 4 years at Rallies for Trump, it was always Antifa and BLM extremist who hate and have come to beat up Trump Supporters we saw every time and we have videos.  Pres. Trump did not incite these violent people, had nothing ever to do with them and are the real ones responsible for this incident Jan. 6, 2021.  And Senator Mike Lee who objected to lies about him from Democratic Manager, shows as he said when he asked other Senator who talked to the President what he said, told him President did not know what was going on in the Capital.

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