Alex Jones's ENDGAME: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

4 years ago

(released in 2007 on VHS video and available for purchase for $19.95 on until it is banned and its possession becomes criminal.)

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker Alex Jones reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination, Operation: ENDGAME.

"In 2007 many people thought Alex Jones was a crackpot, but today in 2021 those same people realize he was and is a soothsayer"
~America In Distress

Over 400+ 5-star Ratings on Amazon

Julie D. Vigil
5.0 out of 5 starsPeople received better education in the 1800's
Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2018

This documentary should be required viewing for all high school students. These are not conspiracy theories. Each fact is backed by historical facts, documents, video proof and interviews. Meanwhile schools focus on how you feel and whether you are a boy or girl today; while the globalists laugh all the way to the bank. People received better education in the 1800's. Most college students can't pass a school exam from 1895. WE are being dumbed down and fractured as a society; take the red pill and wake up.

Doug Scott
5.0 out of 5 stars Eye opening!
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2018
Verified Purchase

Great documentary, well done! Love all the documented research throughout the movie to back up and support what has really been going on with the Bilderberg secret society and the Eugenics program, thank you for standing up and speaking the truth Alex Jones!

5.0 out of 5 stars A must watch video that should be required viewing for all High School students,
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2019
Verified Purchase

The incredible research and undeniable research and investigative reporting proves that Alex Jones and InfoWars is one of a dozen honest, deeply rooted in reality, news personnel and news teams in the world. This should be required viewing for all High School students.

5.0 out of 5 stars Watch and Wake Up Sheeple!
Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2018
Verified Purchase

Very informative and well made!

Mr. Doyle
5.0 out of 5 stars Another triumph from the info Warrior.
Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2007
Verified Purchase

I'll start this review by saying that it's a tragedy that we live in a world where such a documentary is needed but needed it is because those groups and individuals who pass themselves of as our glorious leaders are becoming ever more emboldened in their arrogant creation of society driven by diktat.

End Game is a well crafted and informative expose of various aspects of the fascist/collectivist eugenicist power play that is currently unfolding behind closed doors. It's a nail in the coffin for those poor and deluded folk who have ,in many respects,deified man and refuse to recognise his darker and more perverse nature which seems to be amplified in those people who wield power.
People need to set aside their rose tinted spectacles and watch this film with an open mind.Of course,it's nigh on impossible to cover all aspects of the tyranny that is being imposed on nations in one film but this is a good place to start and will open doors elsewhere. I would combine this movie with a viewing of "Terror storm" ,again from the Alex Jones stable,the Youtube Audio interview with Naomi Wolf and Jones and the Channel 4 produced documentary,"The great global warming swindle" Just these few sources of information will help to form a more cohesive picture of what is going on with our societies.Top Marks for EndGame.

G. Parnell
5.0 out of 5 stars Chock Full of Vital Information
Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2007
Verified Purchase

Gawd, it took all night to watch this goliath! But this is a good thing. Alex has done it again, watching the watchers, exposing their agendas, giving us mountains of facts and theories to study and research. And that is the one thing a person should do after watching any documentary! Don't take anybody's word for anything. Check it out for yourself. This is exactly what Alex Jones encourages people to do. Don't believe me? Listen to his show. He gets furious with people's ignorance. He makes these documentaries to try and educate people and return them to a state of rational self-thinking, i.e., cure their zombieism.

I loved the part where he bullhorned the Bilderburgers, and stood up tough against them. There's not too many who would dare sneer at the global elite, but Alex proves once again his unlove for world tyrants. Isn't that truly the American thing to do? To stand up to tyrants? Any Americans out there remember their forefathers?

I'm also glad Alex finally took some time to expose Darwin and Galton and the entire evolution/eugenics crowd. He'd been threatening to get that out in a documentary for a long time. Kudos, Alex. People need to better understand who Charles Darwin was before they endorse his theories.

There was also some good info on the Trans-Texas Corridor and how the coming wave of illegals is serving a global purpose. Again I say to also listen to Alex Jones' radio show! He's very quick to point out that it's not "mexicans" that are the problem. There is a very real global cabal to destroy American sovereignty, and Mexican Nationals are only a fraction of the problem. These Nationals ARE NOT coming here to become Americans! They ARE NOT immigrants. Though there are obviously legitimate Mexicans trying desperately to immigrate legally to America. May God bless them!

But the Trans-Texas Corridor isn't only about illegal immigration! Watch the documentary to learn more! There's also info about the coming North American Union and plans to funnel people into super-cities for easier control

I'm really gonna have to go back and watch this again. I watched the first time from So now I've bought this film from Amazon. Can't wait to watch the DVD! Get your's today. You can't beat the price. Make copies and share with friends and family, and let the informed discussions begin.

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