COVID Truths and Near Truths

4 years ago

Unlike Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci, I am an expert on personal protective equipment (PPE). Surgical and N95 dust masks don't work. I have designed and taught courses and entire degree programs at the BS, MS, and Ph.D. levels in occupational safety/health, for three universities.

You may as well tape a Kleenex to your face to protect you from COVID-19.

Climate Change is a big scam. Unlike Joe Biden, John Kerry, Greta from Sweden, and the Congressional bartender AOC, I am an environmental scientist having designed, developed, & taught courses and entire degree programs in environmental science at the BS, MS, and Ph.D. levels.

Climate Change is a big scam. Unlike Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Greta from Sweden, @Gina_McCarthy & the Congressional bartender AOC, I am an environmental scientist who designed, & taught courses and entire degree programs in environmental science at the BS, MS, and Ph.D. levels for three universities.

I am an expert on PPE. Having managed a 750-rail transit car asbestos abatement project as well as teaching OSHA & EPA compliance locally, I have designed & taught entire degree programs in environmental science, environmental engineering, health science & occupational safety & health.

A surgical mask, also known as a face mask, is intended to be worn by health professionals during healthcare procedures. It is designed to prevent infections in patients & treating personnel by catching bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth & nose.

Medical doctors are not and shouldn't be expected to be PPE experts,. they contact experts like me for advice.

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