The New Confederacy Part 7: How The System is Rigged Against Us? [Gregoryous Show]

3 years ago

Part 7: What each side thinks of the other - specifics
New York Review
The Republican Party has become a new kind of Confederacy. They are secessionists without taking the revolutionary step of seceding, power-obsessed rebels who fight to preserve a bygone America by gaming the system. They have managed to win the presidency twice without the most votes, maintain control of the Senate although vastly outnumbered in the national electorate, and build a majority on the Supreme Court by stealing an appointment that belonged to a sitting Democratic president.
[Most votes (there was plenty of evidence of voter fraud in the past elections)
Secessionists – wasn’t it the lefties who wanted to secede in 2016? Only reason conservatives might talk about seceding is because, as a union, we are disfunctional, and if the system is so compromised that it favors those who do not follow the countries founding constitution, then yes maybe leaving the broken system and “hitting the master reset is the only way”
Power obsessed rebels
Bygone America
Gaming the system -
Always be reluctant about destroying. Its harder to build than to destroy]
[save secessionists until later]
[Liberals] In their delusional fantasies we are the ultimate villains, and they are the “noble freedom fighters”. Of course, every single establishment power platform in the corporate world, in Big Tech and in the mainstream media is at their disposal, not to mention millions in funding from globalist organizations like the Open Society Foundation and the Ford Foundation, so this tale of the leftist “underdog” makes us double over with laughter at times.
[A famous line from Charlie Wilsons War, Phillip Seymore Hoffman says, “soon god will be on both sides of this war.”
Liberals do live in a LARPing fantasy world where they get to relive the Wolfenstein video game where they think they are opposing and hunting down Nazis and Hitler.
Don’t be fooled, liberals do want to hunt down conservatives. Look at the movies they are making to fantasize about it. Then when conservatives complain its disgusting, they make fun of us for “censorship” ]
They are acting out this fantasy because they have become vacant husks of humans by buying into the liberal brainwashing and now are chicken little, the sky is falling (with CO2) and the world is going to end. Working for the man for the rest of your life and putting career ahead of family and happiness is how you achieve the science based utopia where everything is equal and abundant. It hasn’t manifested yet, and they believed it so long, their only way to save face is to push farther with the hopes the ends justify the means and their sacrifices have not been in vain. It’s called the sunk cost fallacy (or delusional psychosis😊

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