End Time Prophecy & Vision - Unseen Spiritual Army Come Forth! 2014(Mirror)

3 years ago

Mirrored Video

Do you want to know what you can do to help AmightyWind Ministry battle the enemy's slanderous lies and hate campaigns against us? Watch this video to find out. You might be part of YAHUSHUA's Unseen Army that GOD is calling forth. When she saw her number of subscribers, Apostle/Prophet Elisabeth Elijah(Elisheva Eliyahu) heard YAHUSHUA/Jesus say in a Prophetic Word of Knowledge: "you have an Unseen Army" that will help and get involved if you tell them how. After the release of Prophecies 121 and 122 Elisabeth had a vision of a hornet's nest that was stirred up. The enemy is up to no good and you can help us fight back spiritually.

This video includes excerpts of Prophecy 122 and Prophecy 199

Prophecy 122 - "Don't be a Bastard Child, thus saith YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!

Prophecy 119 - A Call to Repentance

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