Charlie Freak - You Must Choose... Good Versus Evil, God Versus the Devil

4 years ago

There is God's Truth and then there are LIES...and you cannot have things both are either Alive with the God of the Living in Truth, or you are dying, apart from God, wallowing in a cesspool of is Your Choice...

Charlie Ward is a LIAR...this is NOT my OPINION as so many of you seem to think, all you have to do is listen to CW get himself into constant problems through his Lies, and his answer when he gets caught? Apologize? Own up to it? He simply creates BIGGER LIES to protect the original Lies, and this is what Time Share salespeople do...none of what I am sharing about CW is opinion or from my mouth, it all comes from CW's mouth...he is a professional Liar and he is leading the Truth Community and the QAnon Integrity towards disaster...
So, if you think my ENLIGHTENING YOU regarding all of his Lies and the Odd choices he makes is Divisive, then clearly you do NOT Value the Truth...and remember this...this is ALL about our Precious Children, and the only way that we can protect them NOW AND IN THE FUTURE, is by exposing the Lies and TEACHING THE TRUTH, no matter how uncomfortable it makes some people feel...our Children must be protected, and by supporting Charlie Ward and his world of compromised people and unending Lies, you are further exposing our children to this massive evil...

All of this must end, and end soon...and the only way we can do this is by embracing the TRUTH Jesus said in Matthew 6:24, Man cannot serve 2 Masters, you cannot serve both God and the mammon...
it is time my friends to pick a side...Good versus Evil, Right versus Wrong, The Truth versus Lies, God versus the Devil...the choice is Yours...

With Eternal Love,

If possible, please remember my Friends to support Colleen and I here in Mexico as we continue daily to expand and grow, through the Vibration of Love, our Animal Rescue Shelter. We have now reached 45 rescued animals (Dogs, Cats, Possums, Birds) and our costs of maintaining this beautiful journey has grown far beyond what Colleen and I can maintain on our own. Only through your kindness and generosity will we be able to continue our vital efforts to give LIFE to all of these precious creations of God! You can donate to us either through PayPal or Buymeacoffee by following the links provided below! Thank you!

Charlie's books:
A FreakSense World Group Page on MeWe:
Charlie's MeWe Page
A FreakSense World on 107Daily (new free speech platform):

To Support Charlie and Colleen's work and all of their Animals:
CharlieFreak777 & The Shire Animal Rescue Sanc:
The Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary PayPal page:

To Support Toni's work on the FreakSense World Groups, website and her own Rescue/Sanctuary for Senior and Special Needs Cats:

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