Where We Go One We Go All - Tricia Walsh Smith

4 years ago

Patriots battle song. Sung by Tricia Walsh Smith
Lyrics by Tricia Walsh Smith
Music by Simon Kay

Directed by God
Lighting by Archangel Gabriel
Location Scout Archangel Michael

iTunes Link: https://apple.co/3em3UkP

Tricia's Website: http://www.triciawalshsmith.com​

Tricia's Blog: https://www.wwg1wga-unitedwestand.com/blog/blog.htm

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/SicRLHxbPbKplR1l​

Gab: https://gab.com/tricia​

Where We Go One We Go All

Where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all
Where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all

We're soldiers of God, His armor we wear
We trust in His love, know He'll answer our prayer
For faith is belief in a power that's unseen
And magical numbers, cue seventeen
So when Lucifer tries to destroy our land
We stand together, God's warriors, His band

'Cos where we go one, we go all
United we stand, divided we fall
We battle for truth, fight the good fight
Strong in God's power, His love and His light
'Cos where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all
Where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all

Upon this earth is the Trump of God
An angel among us, our strength our rod
We stand behind him, totally amazed
He's cool as a cucumber as cities blaze
And whenever we're crumbling, tired of the fire
Feel we're burning in the midst of the pyre

Know where we go one, we go all
United we stand, divided we fall
We battle for truth, fight the good fight
Strong in God's power, His love and His light
'Cos where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all
Where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all

God whispers that only blood, sweat and tears
Battles fought over the years
Create His soldiers, for warriors of light
Can only be birthed by fighting the fight

'Cos where we go one, we go all
United we stand, divided we fall
We battle for truth, fight the good fight
Strong in God's power, His love and His light

'Cos where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all
Where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all

'Cos where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all
Where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all

© Tricia Walsh Smith 2021

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