Meet the Targeted Individual Community - Revisited

3 years ago

Thing is, and I mean this, the video above nails what is happening in the world; as in 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. Though from the perspective of people truly in the know because their lives and minds were invaded a long time back.

Yes, minds. By the technological systems that are to be applied overall it looky rather like. I'm tellin yer.

It was posted in 2019 originally, and to add still further interest it's a response to a documentary VICE TV put out in 2017. One that's been watched by millions, but millions that are/were not aware VICE were censored in trying to put out the original piece they made. One which was to have exposed and legitimized things.

This one presents proofs and testimonies from scientist and doctors, as well as from surveillance abuse victims. Oh yeah, 'Mind Control' too, because that's what ultimately all the shenanigan's you're experiencing is about. If you survive the impending cull that is.

The original VICE piece may have changed the world if they'd got it out, this one, well, says what they were totally convinced of, in 'reality'. For real, way back when now, and it's frightening, but you're far less safe if ignorant. You won't have a chance of even coping effectively with what's going down, let alone surviving it if you have no perception of it. The initial shocks will do for you.

The reason I learnt to edit in the first place primarily, was because a collective of people who work for said company delivered me a cryptic message beyond their hands being blatantly tied suggesting I do so. For theirs and everybody's sake as I read it.

This is it folks, don't bury your heads in the sand and instead, well ..know what's what!?

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