4 years ago

19 days into the illegitimate occupation of the White House, an impeachment trial begins tomorrow of a private citizen. The charges are "inciting an insurrection" for which much evidence exists that the alleged insurrection was a false flag involving the deliberate take down of security, and the involvement of deep state controlled rioters. This process will drag the nation through an intense hate session news cycle that will last several weeks focused on President Donald J. Trump. Why is this being done to someone who is no longer in office? What is it about Donald Trump that makes him so hated and feared? What do those doing this hope to accomplish?

To briefly answer these questions one must realize that Donald Trump profoundly threatened the corrupt system of control over American politics. This corrupt system we have lived under, is based on controlling the issue agenda, and keeping different constituencies, and special interests, fighting each other such that a true coalition of interests, across constituencies and special interests, could not be formed under any conception of the general welfare. The Republican party was divided between evangelicals, libertarians, the mainstream, fiscal conservatives, and other factions. The Democratic Party was divided between various minorities, sexual orientation, radical leftists, trade unions, environmentalists, and other factions. This does not include all of those who consider themselves independents. All these divisions and the issues related to these divisions are designed to keep everyone divided so that there is no dialogue to solve national problems that affect everyone. The media handling of political debates and discourse, is based on enforcing these divisions. This condition is what allowed our nation to be looted and plundered by the international financial interests controlling this situation through endless wars, bailing out the banks and sending our jobs overseas, etc.

As seen from this vantage point, Trump's crime, the "crime" that this "show trial" is designed to attack, is the fact that Trump began to unify these divisions around an industrial development policy, bringing our jobs back, an end to the endless wars, and the MAGA program, and thereby was bringing conservatives together with minorities, with unions,with independents, with Democrats, and even with some progressives. This is what threatened the corrupt system. Though not now in office, the continuation of this process initiated by Trump is what is most feared, and this trial is an attempt to arrest that process. In this respect, also, the trial is an attack on Trump supporters, and is designed to make anyone who supports Trump a social pariah. If that cannot be done in the short term, the fragile coalition that was created to make the appearance of Biden support, will crumble. It is important that this be recognized, and that we become more active in supporting Trump and in taking over the Republican Party.

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