Episode 12 The right to travel - basics

3 years ago

in this episode we look into the laws specifically of Oregon that pertain to the right to travel. This is another extremely important right that has been taken away from the people by way of propaganda and lies in order to control and plunder the people creating an unjust enrichment on the backs of the people.

Can you imagine in the 1800s that every horse and wagon was required to have a certification or a license attached to it?

If you pay for something, do you not have the unalienable right to use that product or participate in that service that you paid for? The highways and byways as well as the streets and alleys were all paid by the American people. Taxes were taken in the form of fuel charge and many other ways so that you, the American people, literally paid by your labor for the building of the roads and highways.

So why is it considered to be a privilege? Why are you being told that it is not all right, but you have to submit to the control of the police state. This is a prime and extreme example of another right that has been stolen from you using the excuse of safety or some other lame and useless reason aimed at manipulating you into giving up your freedom of travel unhindered going from point A to point B.

as long as we give up our rights from the most mundane and the most insignificant of those rights, when will it stop? When will the removal of your unalienable rights end? we are now seeing the rights of your body being removed in forced vaccinations, forced wearing a useless mask, forced taxation on your land, forced control over your children...

When does it stop? When do you stand up and say enough is enough, I want my rights back... And I want them back now.

Thanks to Pres. Trump who gave us a taste of a better life of a Freeman rather than that of a slave to the feudal system called democracy, we can see the stark difference between a hint of freedom where we keep our wages, where our borders are protected and our families are protected... As opposed to the tyranny of rape, pillage and plunder of the American people... where millions of people are freeloading off of the backs of the American people.

so as you listen to this podcast, please be aware of the many rights that you have lost and are in the process of losing because we don't know what rights we have, because we are being propagandized and dumbed down to think that this normal dictatorial state of being is how it should be in America.

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