"She"Kinah Not Right - Part 2 - 02/10/2021

4 years ago

Lying signs and wonders has infiltrated the Church. How do we know what is from God and what is counterfeit? Prophet Leslie Johnson is our guest today sharing her latest book "She"Kinah Glory - Exposing the lie of Shekinah Glory". An invitation for the majestic presence or manifestation of a fallen angel, "Shekinah" has entered the church. Unbeknownst to many innocent Believers in the Body of Christ, the presence of this powerful seductive demonic spirit presents a lie that looks so tempting to many Christians. While sneaking into our worship, Satan sends the lying mystical manifestation called the Shekinah Glory, causing the worshipers to feel as if they have entered a higher dimension of communion with the Lord. After reading this book, be aware of this deception and understand that Shekinah is a fallen angel, a demonic presence that is even more subtle and powerful than those demons that routinely attack us day to day.

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