Workshop Your Picture Book With an Author Who Has 20+ Years Experience

3 years ago

Picture Book: Julie Olson
M–F, June 14–18, 8:30 a.m–12:30 p.m.

Julie will put her 20 plus years of experience in the picture book market to work for you over the five days of morning workshops. You will learn about picture book structure, genres, formats, age groups, and more, along with daily writing exercises to stir up the creative juices. In addition, Julie will cover business tips, discuss agents, and answer any questions the students have. Finally, each student will be required to bring a completed manuscript the first day of class and over the week, each one will be reviewed, critiqued and polished with the help of Julie and the class, leaving you with a story ready for submission.

This class caps at 15.

Registration for this workshop includes:

an agent/editor consultation
the Afternoon Sessions

Julie's Bio:
Julie Olson has been working in the children’s book industry for over 20 years now, first as an illustrator then adding author to her credentials, as well, with the debut of Tickle, Tickle! Itch, Twitch! in 2010. She followed that up a few years later with Discover America: From Sea to Shining Sea and continues to write and illustrate as much as possible. She began the pursuit of an MFA degree this past fall and is enjoying the other forms of creative expression and academic growth that provides. When not in the studio, you can find Julie either on her bike, hiking in the mountains, or spending time with her husband and four kids.

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