Abraham Hicks - Your Soul Mate WILL enter your life - By Law of Attraction

3 years ago


In that story I give the details on how I found my soul mate, my twin flame. Using the law of attraction.

Abraham Hicks is what I live my life by...and it works.

I’ve been applying the knowledge of Abraham-Hicks for about 7 years now. It goes by many names, the law of attraction, the secret laws of the universe, or as I like to put it, following your highest excitement and trusting that everything is working out for your highest good.

This mindset allows you to take risks. It emboldens you to accept that despite the appearance of things, this world has a beautiful perfection to it. It helps you to know what’s important when designing the life of your dreams. To remember that you can create any experience you desire for yourself.

Each moment you have a chance to decide who you want to be. The law of attraction is continually reminding you of who you have chosen to be until now. It allows you to use the circumstances of your life as the catalyst to awaken yourself to higher and higher possibilities. More of what you want and less of what you don’t want. Abraham-Hicks is the most powerful belief system you can adopt for choosing what you want the picture of your life to look like.

If things get tough for you and life knocks you down, if you need to get back up, or if you want to stay on the leading edge and see how Abe is answering people's questions today - listen to the Abraham Hicks 2017 playlist. Click Below.

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