God Is Not Mocked

4 years ago

I was reading Psalm 73 and David the psalmist was talking about how is it that evil people seem to have it so good. Don’t we all feel that way in times such as these, that evil people, who have frauded us, cheated us, lied, stolen from us, never have to pay the consequences. Ridiculously so, in topsy turvey times such as these, those who have done horrific things are being rewarded with peace prizes, those who have lied and aired false narratives have received journalism awards. This makes our heart feel sick. But as I read on in Psalm 73, I realized that they will reap what they have sown. God has seen everything they have done and His Justice will prevail. We need to trust God in times such as these. He will not be mocked. He will shine a bright light of truth on the hidden dark secrets of evil. He will bring forth His Justice in His ways. God is our very present help in trouble. He hopes for us to believe in Him and to believe Him. He has not changed. What He says, it will be. #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/justice/

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