Why Bruce Springsteen's Super Bowl Jeep Ad Won't Bring Unity | Ep 365

4 years ago

Despite cynicism from conservatives, many of the Super Bowl commercials were pretty funny this year. Some, like the Jeep commercial featuring Bruce Springsteen, tried to virtue-signal to the Right, but didn't accomplish much since the Right isn't a fan of Springsteen and the Left decried the association the commercial made between Christianity and patriotism. Some on the Left are declaring the day after the Super Bowl "Colin Kaepernick Appreciation Day," but it seems like the millionaire activist has a lot to appreciate himself. Switching gears to talk about a more serious issue, we delve into the effect lockdowns are having on the mental health of our kids. This seems to be part of a larger social experiment by progressives to break down long-standing facets of our society, like family and gender norms. At the end of the day, a top-down approach to governing goes against human nature.

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