DO NOT CONSENT! CHINA VIRUS LOCKDOWNS, MASKS, AND JEFFERSON. Power from the consent of the governed.

4 years ago

Lumberjack Logic - Episode 61 - When our founders wrote the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson famously wrote that the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. Our way to battle Covid (CCP Virus, China Virus) lockdowns is to simply not comply. We are not a people ruled by an aristocracy or some elites in Washington. We are a self-governed people and we are not subject to rulers but to a Constitution. States that have locked down have destroyed small business, seen a dramatic rise in suicides and mental health issues, and caused misery among the population. The Coronavirus has a very low mortality rate and many people want to get on with living. Our Constitution and Declaration of Independence show us how to deal with these problems.

#CHINAVirus #Covid #Lockdowns #mask #maskup #coronavirusupdates #CCPVirus #saveamerica #constitution

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