Hear the sound of water whistling and birds singing Glory to God Almighty

4 years ago

Hear the sound of water whistling and birds singing Glory to God Almighty06 The climb to the top is strenuous, but the scenery upon arrival squashes the tiredness. - George Bernard Shaw

# 07 The greatest important thing in the world has been accomplished by people who keep trying when it seems that there is no hope at all. - Dale Carnegie

# 08 A successful person + humility and sincerity = success in this world and the hereafter .. a successful person + vanity and love of fame = loss in this world and the hereafter. Amr Khaled

# 09 Patience, perseverance and race make an indomitable combination of success. Napoleon Hill

# 10 If we know how we failed, we understand how we succeed. - Ernest Hemingway is an artist, writer, novelist

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