What’s on my mind Ep. 4: “Does the Bible Condemn Interracial Marriage?”

3 years ago

Does the Bible condemn "interracial' marriage? What about for the believer? I give the scriptures about what can sometimes be a controversial, and contentious subject. See notes below.

God brought together the 1st marriage Gen. 2:22-25


Numbers 36:1-13 For inheritance
Duet. 25:5 “Stranger”
Matt. 22:24-30. Not married in eternity because we are “married”, church, to another.
1 Cor. 7:7-23 & 28-40. Paul is not forbidding to marry because he warns about this in
1 Tim. 4:1-7


Lev. 22:12-13 “stranger”
Numbers 12:1-10
What about “strange wives”? 1 Kings 11:6-13, Ezra 10:1-18, 44, Nehemiah 13:22-31
Look up “strange gods” (not listed-all the references for “strange god”. I just stuck with the plural-“gods”) Gen. 35:2-4, Joshua 24:20-23, Judges 10:16, 1 Samuel 7:3, 2 Chronicles 14:3, 33:15, Jeremiah 5:19 and
Duet. 32:8-21 (These are gentiles in vs. 22) so then turn to Acts 17:18-34
Romans 7:1-4


Hebrews 13:1-4 “honourable in all”
Revelation 19:7-9


1. Why would God provide instruction to take a wife (marry) outside of the nation of Israel if it was forbidden by God because of “race, or etc.”? Duet. 21:10-14
2. If “marrying” outside of the 12 boundaries (Duet. 32, Acts 17), where are the scriptures that clearly tell us what those boundaries are?
3. How is Duet. 32 and Acts 17 applicable to us the “bride of Christ”, “body”, “church of God”? “Church of God” references (Acts 20:28, 1 Cor. 1:2 & 11:22 & 15:9, 2 Cor. 1:1, Gal. 1:13, 1 Tim. 3:5). Look specifically at 1 Cor. 10:32! In Christ there is no longer distinction between Jew & Gentile (Every non-Jew).
Answer is amazing! Rev. 5:9, Christ’s bride is the ultimate “interracial” bride! Praise God!!!
4. What did Jesus say about marriage in His earthly ministry? Matt. 19:6 (already read), Mk. 10:9.
Finally, read Eph. 5:25-33 to come fully back to the first statement in Gen. 2:22

Music in Intro:
"Be Thou My Vision" Hymn arranged (2012) by Greg Howlett
Played By Kim Strong
Used by Permission from Sister Kim Strong
Recorded in my Home Studio
Not meant for profit
Sheet Music: https://greghowlett.com

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