Feb 7 - The shocking admittance of Time Magazine, Gen. Flynn interview with Doug Billings, & more!

3 years ago

On tonights show I will talk about the shocking information in the Time Magazine article detailing the “Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”. I am honestly shocked by the things that they admit in this article and how they are not even trying to hide their illegal activates any more. I read direct from the article and show you the screen caps direct from the article, with zero editing on my part. I will also discuss and show screen caps of the background of the “nonpartisan” people who were behind this shadow campaign.

I will also talk a little about General Michael Flynn’s interview on The Right Side with Doug Billings. There was a lot of great info in this interview but there were two things that stood out for me, and I am not sure what to think after hearing them.

Last up I will talk about Garrett Ziegler’s interview with Monkey from Monkeywerx. Garrett was a mid-level staffer that worked in the Trump White House and had some interesting and maybe a little disheartening info that highlighted just how deep the #DCSwamp goes and what an overwhelming task Trump had to restore this country.

Doug’s interview can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gvd96tP4FMA

Monkey’s interview can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYAMDYeazSs

You don’t want to miss tonights show!

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