The Power of Our Minds

4 years ago

We must come to an understanding here on this podcast about the power of the mind. How the mind literally projects our reality in front of us based on neuro-transmissions, DNA, and energy. Our mind is the framework to our reality because it is where our consciousness is derived, but scientists can’t actually find where our consciousness stems from in our brain.

The significance of knowing the truth about the power of our mind is prevalent because by using certain methods we can truly build a reality we desire. Once this is achieved at an individual level we can start to see it play out on a mass scale. That is one of the solutions to the current world crises.
In this episode we are going to take a break from the current events theme and dive into information pertaining to the power of our minds. You will learn how powerful your mind is and how you can start using it in a positive way. Your level of consciousness can dictate your ability to break out of the matrix and thrive. More than ever we need this type of information to become normalized in our society because the truth will set us all free.

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