Baby Goats (doo doo doo do-do-do-do)

4 years ago

We're BACK! After fighting and fighting with our PC, we finally took a chance and switched to Linux -- What a difference! After a steep learning curve through a couple editing programs our computer still couldn't handle renering through, we found a great program our PC can purr like a kitten through.

Just in time too!

It's kidding season on the farm! Did the girls kid during the unusually warm weather? NO! In the unusually COLD instead. Follow us through Lucille's goat birth as we get back into producing content.

And YES! I know 12pm isnt 13:00 on a clock... I was exhausted!

We have big plans in 2021. Stay tuned!


This video is eligible for the 500 subscribers contest! Contest CLOSES as soon as we reach 500 subscribers.
How to enter:
Comment on any video mentioning this contest. You get one entry per video you comment on!
What can you win?
You will win either a Men's or Women's comfort Tee with the Steadfast Farm Font Branding, like the one on the shirts shown in our videos!


Steadfast farm is a small, 15 acre homestead located on the Canadian Prairies, situated in the heart of Saskatchewan. We moved to the farm in 2011, began with chickens and goats in 2012 and started our family in 2015. Though we are not certified organic, we are 'rooted in nature', employing herbal remedies, focusing on nutrition, using practical homeopathy where applicable and growing our food (both fruits/vegetables and animals) without the input of chemical products. We are 'rebel' canners, fermenters, and foragers; parents, teachers and gardeners; she's a gamer turned homesteader and he's returning to the land.

There's a lot of work to be done, both daily and long term! Our goal is to give back to those who helped us by sharing what they have learned by doing the same! We've learned the hard way what works for us, and we tend to do things differently than many others. With great anticipation, we have huge hopes for our channel! We hope you find something unique here that helps you and that you join us here for more of our crazy, unfiltered, sometimes messy, and always authentic life.

Want to help us out? The absolute best way is by SHARING our videos, hitting that like button and subscribing to the channel. If you'd like some sweet merch, though, check out our teespring store!

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