Equality? Americans get $600 While Students Get $50,000 - What?

4 years ago

Ok, here we see more anti American Divisive political policies made to put wedges in between the American People.
Americans are struggling, they got $600 from the last stimulus bill, American entrepnuers and small business lay in rot without any help except maybe a government loan while College Students get $50,000 in school debt wiped out FREE of Charge!

This is being done so that the gov can bond with kids that they give the $50K to, it'll take 20 years for the kids to break the $50K bond the gov is setting up for them.

This is not fair, this is not American, this is nothing more than UnConstitutional discrimination in our society to pit one group or individual against another, and the kiddies don't even know a damn thing about what government is doing to all of us.

The remedy is this: Either every American gets the $50,000 or nobody gets the $50,000, that is fair, that is equality.
In sensible times it would have never been agreed to give every citizen $50K because that is indebting the country as a whole and therefore is bad for everyone, so it would have never crossed anyones mind that this solution could ever be possible, and the damages done is another way the communist split our country up causing bitterness, division and also financial ruin on our country.

Who in their right minds would give a 18 year old that has no job, has never had a job a loan for $80,000? Nobody, but this is how stupid we have allowed ourselves to become as a nation.
America seems to be slip0ping away more and more everyday, but at least we have Q drops that will keep everyone entertained.

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