4 years ago

In part two people start heading towards the Capitol Building. President Trump has just concluded speaking. You will see different areas of DC at the same time. as I get deeper into the clips I started filing them by their time signature and I will be telling you the time of the clips. Many clips came to me with the same time stamp, from different areas of the event. You will start to see the change in the crowds and the aggitation from those that came to disrupt the peaceful event.
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Dedicated to the memory of Jeff C.

The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for preplanning and setting up a situation for disaster is overwhelming. In this episode, we're going to show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation. Strap yourselves in- it's going to be a bumpy ride... down the Babbitt hole.
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photographs: Sierra Patton

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