Controlled Ops - Who is Allowed to Survive? Big Tech has the Button.

3 years ago

A Dose of Reality in a Political World.
So we see that certain people with mostly conservative voices or anyone promoting the Trumpster has to be gotten rid of right? The same corporations that are banning and blacklisting people using the cancel culture are helping (as we speak) the communist regimes all over the world police their citizens that oppose tyrantical and controlling big communist government. So, why do we think they cannot and will not do it here? The trajectory is obvious to the naked eye, the global communist agenda has been propped up and written about for 100 years, these corporations are actively making vitims out of citizens by spying and producing evidence against them through online spying.

So, it is more than clear, these giant tech corporations actively help make criminals out of the people, and it is more than obvious it is going to happen here, so why haven't they squashed all dissent already?

Why are some big right leaning conservative talk shows allowed to exist while others are fired and shut down and many have even had their livilhoods and freedoms taken on a larger level.

I will discuss this and more in this video.

Please leave your crappy comments and you words of wisdom are always appreciated, take care and God Bless America.

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