Why is The Corporations Act of 1870 a Key Issue? February 6, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Why is The Corporations Act of 1870 a Key Issue? February 6, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

We know that both corporate and incorporated entities have to be created by living people or Lawful Persons. These things don't just get it on in a file drawer and procreate on their own.

We know there is no provision for a Municipal Corporation to charter other Municipal Corporations, except as franchises. So a Municipal Corporation has to be incorporated by a Territorial Corporation or other charter agent.

The Territorial U.S. Government presumed to act "for" us and undertake the duties of our American Federal Republic, which the Territorial Government was never authorized to do --- and, the specific unauthorized power that they seized upon in 1870 was the power to charter corporations.

So they usurped upon an instrumentality of our actual Government in Breach of Trust and commercial service contract by failing to observe the limitations of The Constitution of the United States of America, and to add insult to injury, they began creating British Territorial Corporations for themselves instead of American Corporations ---even though they were purportedly exercising our power "for" us as faithful Trustees and acting in our best interests, etc., etc., etc.


The next thing we notice is that the Territorial (also known as Commonwealth) Corporation chartered in Scotland in 1868 and doing business as "The United States of America" ---Incorporated, converted what remained of The United States Congress into its own Board of Directors, and passes an "Act" claiming the right to charter corporations in our name, abusing our sovereign powers under conditions of fraud and semantic deceit, without any valid claim to such empowerment ----and there we have The Corporations Act of 1870.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/02/why-is-corporations-act-of-1870-key.html

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