Leon Levy Preserve - run don't walk

4 years ago

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We took a ride to #LeonLevyPreserve for today's video. It was a cold day but the preserve offered some history including the remains of a large stone home and chemistry laboratory. There was, also, a #gorge overlook and a great way to spend time walking in nature. We saw stoned walls that we are always intrigued by as well a learned the definition of a #vernalpool. We found a pink tag that was left so you could scan it and let people know you had walked the park and Ola found a big #mushroom. Lastly, we had to run across the road to the other side of the park and took a few moments to see the #bat boxes and a path through the marsh that is available in the warmer months. We even think we saw an old plow!

Hope you enjoy!!!

1:06 Chemistry lab
1:56 Ruins
10:37 Vernal pool
12:30 Gorge overlook
15:46 Crazy mushroom
16:55 Road crossing
19:35 Marsh path
22:10 Old plow

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