Is There a Plan? Billings' Interview with Gen. Flynn

4 years ago

Cass logically dissects Doug Billings' interview with General Mike Flynn and discusses what Flynn's comments could mean for America's future. Is there a plan? Is the military in control? What should we be focusing on right now, and why? Imagine, for a moment, that the communist party was unable to cheat in an election ever again. Now consider the massive number of Conservatives that came out to vote for Donald J. Trump. The "MAGA Movement" has only gained in size, momentum and passion since November 6. If the 2020 election was the last stolen election for the left (and it was), imagine what Patriots could do, if they decided TODAY, that they would put patriotic citizens, instead of career politicians, in Congress. With over 80 million having voted for Trump, the kind of change this massive group can effect in American politics and society is UNSTOPPABLE! No wonder the media, communists and RINO's fear them! It's time to TAKE AMERICA BACK!

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