Ep. 45 - The Maker vs The Takers [with Jerry Bowyer]

4 years ago

I was honored to have Jerry Bowyer on the show to talk about his new book ‘The Maker vs The Takers: What Jesus Really Said about Social Justice and Economics.’ In his efforts to understand the archaeology and economic history of Jesus’ stomping grounds, Jerry spent several years studying scripture and making the meta connections between the Gospels and the economic environment of the time. This is a book that you cannot afford to skip over. Not only does it give us the backdrop for Jesus’ parables, it also helps us to understand how integral the concepts of wealth, debt, honesty, and corruption are to the Biblical story. For more on the parables, see mine and Nathan’s talk on the subject in episode 8.

Makers vs. Takers Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Maker-Versus-Takers-Justice-Economics/dp/1642933708

Buy in bulk (give to friends):

Townhall Finance: https://finance.townhall.com/columnists/jerrybowyer

Faith Driven Investor: https://www.faithdriveninvestor.org/bios/jerry-bowyer

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Track Title: Persephone - Retro Funky
Creation: SUNDANCE (Remix)
My additions: clips from Jay Richards, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jeff Durbin, and Gary North.

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