St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Appomattox, Virginia, Sexagesima Sunday 2021

4 years ago

As we continue through the short season of Gesimatide, on this Sexagesima Sunday, we are given the opportunity to reflect upon the Apostle Paul's pastoral exhortation to the Corinthians, who had given the "Super Apostles" in Corinth a platform for their "gospel" that can neither heal or save. The point is not to condemn the Corinthians, but to examine our own hearts, to see whether we have given place to the false teachers of our own day.

But how do we avoid the snares of the enemy that entangled the Corinthians? By hearing and cultivating the soil of our hearts to be receptive to the seed of the Word of God.

Psalm 71; Isaiah 50:4-9; 2 Corinthians 11:19-31; Luke 8:4-15

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