Tielman Susato (c.1510/1515-after 1570), Den iersten Galliard, from Danserye (1551)

4 years ago

The galliard is called the “most popular dance of the 16th century.” It is an athletic dance involving leaps and jumps. It is also a couple’s dance. Musically, the galliard is written in 6/4 with a compound feel. The galliard is often paired with the pavane. Fun fact: While Queen Elizabeth I was in her 50s, her daily exercise was 6-7 galliards.

Find the score here: https://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/e/e2/IMSLP561572-PMLP201907-Danserye_4_Recorders_Score_and_Parts.pdf

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