▫─▫ Stranger Things ▫─▫

3 years ago

Stranger Things ▪

Topics include: Angels, Demons, Aliens, The Watchers, CERN, Dark Matter, Psychic Soldiers, Dimensions and opening The Gates of Hell.

"And make no mistake, this is a battle being waged right now in the congress, between the patrons of the past and the architects of the future"- George Bush, Sr.

The Architect.. The Builder.. Masonry.. Illumined Ones. The "patrons of the past".. perhaps it's out with old ways and religion and in with science and the new age. There are many rings, agendas serving agendas. There is more going on than even the awakened realize and the sleeping ones, forget about it. Oh yes and the fact that we've seen old Georgie, Sr and Jr with reptilian/demon eyes in previous videos and he was so passionate about digging deep in the ground, Ooofff. Some of the featured video sources can be found below.

On YouTube:

Truth Stream Media- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVEaFSr-jdTa_QE4PPSkVJw

60 minutes- https://www.youtube.com/user/60minutes

The Film Archives- https://www.youtube.com/user/thefilmarchives

The Legends of History- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy-VnRxdzpcQSnR8nPo4wWw

Hochelaga- https://www.youtube.com/c/hochelaga

A & Ω Productions- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4Qb-1lIttNRgB_lQDm6eA

Dark Docs- https://www.youtube.com/c/DarkDocs

╰⊰⊹✿ Be Blessed. Be well. Be wise.

I am nothing and I am all things. I am the end and the beginning. I am infinite. I am Zer0.

0 is the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (the highest) as there is no beginning and no end; all is infinite. The ancients proclaimed that the ‘God force’ is a circle whose center is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere. Zero is the symbol of ‘nothingness’ and denotes freedom from limitations in this material world. Zero is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. The number zero encompasses the attributes of all other numbers, and brings one closer to the ‘God force’ or ‘Source’.

These clips in regards to CERN are a few years old so one can imagine where they are at, at this point. Some info may be known, some not, but I try appeal to those at all levels of learning.


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