Cookie Math Video

4 years ago

Me making cookies on a griddle and teaching Beauty and Baby Girl basic Math, addition and subtraction and introducing them to Fractions too. This is my idea of how home schooling is supposed to work. You use common things to teach kids and if you do it right, they don't even realize they are learning, they are just having fun. What could be more fun than eating Peanut Butter Cookies and learning how to count, and add and subtract and begin to understand Fractions? All the time they are learning basic math they are also, without knowing it's happening, they are listening to English and they are using English and they are thinking in English. After raising 7 kids of my own, not to mention dozens of Foster children placed in my home over the years, teaching children comes both easy and very natural for me. And Eating Peanut Butter cookies has always come easy to me too!

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