Saturday, January 30 - Corner Cafe Radio Interview with Dave LeMieux

4 years ago

Corner Cafe host Rachel Mains and Jamie Daniel chat with Dave LeMieux on the Corner Cafe. As Executive Director for Colorado-based More Than Music, Inc., Dave is an innovative producer and performing artist, constantly writing songs and scripts to cut through the mainstream white noise. For 15 years, many knew Dave as the Worship Arts Director of Colorado Community Church, during which time he co-wrote Integrity Music’s award-winning song, “More.” Dave lives in Highlands Ranch with his wife (Tina), two children, two puppies, and parents-in-law. His love of words predates his teen years, thanks to countless epic Boggle matches with his grandmother. In addition to co-creating 2 ongoing stage/screen projects, “At the Table with Dr. King,” and “Blue Gospel Scripts,” Dave has written or co-written over 300 songs, and his favorite artists are Take 6, Charlie Wood (Memphis) and the Wood Brothers.

#cornercafe #radio #musicshow

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