Short Story of Shawn Skelton

3 years ago

Shawn Skelton used to work for „Good Samaritan Home”, a nursing home in Evansville (Indiana, USA). Her employer urged her to take C-19 vaccine. She was NOT against vaccines in general, nor was she against C-19 vaccination. So on Monday 4th of January 2020 she did it. On 7th of January she sent video on facebook illustrating her condition after. Her post drew 48,000 comments from all over the world. During first few hours was shared 160,000 times! The same video was uploaded also on Instagram.

After I watched it, I was completely confused. I simply hoped it was nothing but tasteless joke. I checked then her name on the internet expecting to see these 4 letters I was waiting for: „f-a-k-e”… Unfortunately, among many articles, I haven't found A SINGLE ONE that could suggest this. Let’s see some examples.

[ Google search: indiana woman covid vaccine.
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine symptoms claim made in viral ... (4 days ago) ]

Indiana woman's viral video claims serious COVID-19 vaccine side effects, doctors dispute cause… To hear Shawn Skelton and her fiance tell it, the uncontrollable shaking and tongue spasms she suffered days after taking the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine could only be a reaction to the shot. "Three days later after the Moderna shot, this was the uncontrollable shakes.” - Skelton's fiance, Rich Vidiella, said from her hospital bedside Monday. "If she gets thinking about it, she gets crying. It takes over her body for like a good maybe minute or two, and she’ll start shaking even worse." But a local doctor said these symptoms haven't been widely reported...

Skelton and Vidiella, who both live in Oakland City, told the Courier & Press Monday that they have heard the same sorts of things from doctors they've seen. "Nobody wants to point it toward the vaccine," Vidiella said.

Vanderburgh County's health and medical communities have consistently urged residents to get vaccinated when their turn comes, as has the Indiana State Department of Health.

"If you are considering the vaccine for covid... I would advise against it! I’m in bad shape! Everyday getting worse and I’m not getting help or answers! I’m scared to death to say the least! And to find someone willing to attempt to figure this out hasn’t been very successful! I went to 2 hospitals today, walked out of Deaconess and went to St Vincent. No answers there either. My tongue began to spasm and it hasn’t quit. Today my whole body has been convulsing all day! They sent me home!! I’m posting 2 videos that are quite embarrassing if you know me but I want you to see what’s happening to me! Just please pray for me."

"I just want people to know that, if you get something like this, you’re kind of on your own," she said.

[ Google search: CDC responds to claim about COVID-19 vaccine by Indiana... (3 day ago) ]

Shawn Skelton... body shaking that doesn't stop and still no answers, Skelton said Tuesday she doesn't know what lies ahead. She said an MRI, CT scan and blood cultures failed to produce anything.

"I have no hope so far," she said. "I'm praying a lot."

Skelton said Monday while still at Gateway that the shaking and spasms she suffered days after taking the vaccine could only
be a reaction to the shot. She works at Good Samaritan Home - a nursing home in Evansville. She said she got the vaccine at the nursing home's request.

"Home again, still no answers! MRI. Cat Scan are perfect!" - she wrote on Facebook. "Doctors are trying to convince me this is a conversion disorder from stress! Am I stressed? Well, who in this world doesn’t have stres?

"No idea when I can even go back to work since I can’t stop "dancing" around!”

„This is so unfair!!! Please just continue to pray!…”

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