The beauty of butterflies

4 years ago

The butterfly (scientific name: Butterflies) is an insect of the order Lepidoptera, and it belongs to the above family Hesperwodia (haere) or Papillonodia (other butterflies).

Butterflies are types, shapes and colors, and butterflies are the most brilliant insects, and upon reaching puberty, many of them live their wings for only several weeks, until the period of mating and the birth of new generations of them.

Some of these butterflies spend their lives as a black, thorny caterpillar, which grows and lives for a few weeks - its period of glow - as a butterfly with a wonderful orange pattern.

Including the large white cabbage, which is also known as (Cabbage), the butterfly larva tastes like cabbage.

Including those with purple striped hair, the color of their wings like the colors of the rainbow, and they fly very high.

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