4 years ago

Some of the most astounding prophecies are found in the books of Daniel and Ezekiel. The most astounding thing is that these prophecies were written down from 2000 to around 3500 years ago. And, even more mind bogging is that the ones that were supposed to come to pass already, have been Johnny on the spot, even to the day forecast. And, as we speak, more is taking place. These is a last time battle called the battle of Gog and Magog. These details are found in the 38 and 39th chapters of Ezekiel. IF the predictions are true, we are standing right on the edge of one of the most destructive battles in all of history. And the weird thing is, it will not be won by any opposing army! These armies will be in the process of crossing the northern border of Israel when God pounds them into the ground. And, the weapons will all be SUPERNATURAL! I invite you to watch this short episode. You will be amazed!

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