On Equality and Liberty as Ultimate Ends

4 years ago

In which I explain how the Left harmonizes simultaneous demands for both total liberty and total equality, and I also discuss the limitations of even equality of opportunity, as well as of liberty, in a decent post-liberal society. (The written version of this review was first published August 4, 2018. Written versions are available here: https://theworthyhouse.com/2018/08/04/analysis-equality-liberty-ultimate-ends/)

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"Of late, I have repeatedly claimed that the Left’s core goal is to achieve a utopia where all people have complete equality combined with wholly unfettered liberty. This has occasioned numerous queries (especially when one book review was linked on Reddit), asking, in effect, whether this is not internally contradictory. That is, if liberty is unlimited, is it not the case that inequality, rather than equality, is the inevitable result, so that it is false that the Left simultaneously pursues both goals?" . . .

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