Network Marketing vs Real Estate

4 years ago

Which should you choose? We spent almost a year gathering the numbers, and according to the data, one of these is FAR superior than the other.

00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Pipeline: How sales reps earn money
01:58 - How a real estate agent sells a house
03:19 - What real estate agents are really looking for
04:29 - Why we did this research
05:42 - Reverse-engineering the data to find the real numbers
07:33 - Why some real estate agents never sell a house
08:30 - Odds of making big money in real estate
08:58 - How to lie with statistics
09:26 - How many homes do you need to sell?
11:08 - Real estate compared to Network Marketing (the data!)
12:53 - Becoming effective in your business
15:25 - Where the big anti-MLM arguments came from
17:42 - Bottom line - here's what creates success
18:12 - Compounding - Why Network marketing has better success rates

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★ About Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power:
Tim Sales is a 30-year veteran in Network Marketing. He's a million-dollar earner in multiple companies, he's been interviewed by Larry King and Grant Cardone, and now he's sharing his knowledge on how to build a successful network marketing business of your own, with real-world examples from his 30-year experience in the industry.

He's breaking down the industry into little bite-sized pieces, so you have exactly what it takes to really have success in network marketing.

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